3 min readApr 28, 2021


Hello!! Welcome to 2021…oops! already 4th month is running now; we do have lots of expectation from this year you can say we hope for the best and the entire humanity is going to pray for the pandemic-free world. This is the only year where the resolutions are the same.

Now, we never experiencing this kind of situation will take place because we don’t have any idea about the future and we aren’t preparing for that also, we have to cope up with this first and staying at home is the only remedy we find after this pandemic outbreak. We sat in our home, panic buying groceries, and always afraid of getting affected. After three months of complete lockdown, we are practicing how to wear a mask for so long time, most uncomfortable but most necessary for saving our lives, tons of sanitizers and hand cream used during this chaos. After some time, and some months of religious practice with safety majors and the sanitization process we getting hope at the end of 2020, partly relieved for a moment, and all of a sudden the second wave gives us a tight slap.

So, now you may ask, we know all of this which is written above ..what’s new? and what’s your point?

let me give some time to explain my point of view and some small opinions as per my vision. Do you know? what is the main thing we should take care of during this emergency period? We all know that the economical condition is worst and a massive jobless people out there with full of responsibility on their shoulders and they can’t do anything except sitting at home and watching TV, full of negative news and the counting of the affected covid cases. Some percentage of people who have the opportunity to do work from home with less salary and investing more time than their office hours to survive this tough situation, no one is in a good condition.

How to stay positive and hopeful?

  1. Serving others without expectations.
  2. Help as much as you can.
  3. Share helpful information not rumors because rumors are harmful.
  4. If any of your known people are getting covid positive then stand beside them mentally and always keep in touch with that family. Cheer them up with hope and positive energy.
  5. We do have the willpower to protect our mental health and mental health is directly connected with physical health.
  6. We all are created by Universe, we all are connected through energies and good thought has its own power to create a positive chain. Please, use this power and pray for everyone out there. If the entire population is going to spread this positive energy, the miracle will come anytime to remove this deadly virus, because there are so many things that are beyond science.
  7. Start to visualize good things happening all around. keep track of your daily gratitude journal and be grateful for everything that you have.
  8. Meditation is a good way to detox your mind.
  9. Clean your home and use some good fragrance that gives you a positive vibe and peace at the same time, the atmosphere can change the mood immediately, cleanliness gives you a soothing effect on your mind and soul, which can easily distract from this current situation.
  10. Stay out of social media and electronics which makes you feel more lazy and unproductive, give yourself a break from those blue lights and sit down on the floor, and reading a book will help you become more focused, more attentive, and creative at the same time.
  11. Play some good music while you doing your home stuff.
  12. Take a long pampered shower, do some skincare these are very helpful to boost your mind and soul.

